Tuesday 13 March 2012

Hello and Welcome!

This is Prankster Pinkie Pie's newest blog. You may know me from youtube or twitter, or you may know me as a frequent of "True Capitalist Radio" hosted by Ghost. Don't worry if you don't know me very well though! I'm very unpredictable and you never know what I might just do next! Even my closest e-friends barely know who I am exactly!

If you don't know already from my screenname, I am what you would call, a brony. A brony is an active fan of the cartoon show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Now you like many other people may be asking, why do you watch a cartoon meant for children? Believe me, I'll get into this in the future. For now I'll say that I'm into the show because it takes ideas from many older cartoons that I used to grow up with, and it changes them up in it's on special way. The show has great characterization, a great art direction, and a great fanbase that can get a little over the top at times. Oh... and I also like it for the plot!

This blog will not only be about My Little Pony, but many other things that I think are important such as social attitudes and culture, politics, the economy, Canada/America differences, the power of the individual, as well as anything else that I believe is important for human progression. What I love about My Little Pony is that it gives a little break from the doom and gloom of mainstream media to give us that little piece of raw innocence and happiness that we need to keep going.

If you need to contact me, you can find me the fastest on twitter by searching prankterpinkiepie, I'm usually on there. I am extremely opposed to any kind of censorship, so I won't hesistate with "foul" language. At this moment in time, I would classify myself as a social liberal and a fiscal conservative. However others may classify me more towards the middle in the fiscal stream as I do believe that there need to be costs that are shared with all the members of a society.

I hope you enjoy whatever I have to offer!